Welcome Messages

Sends a customised welcome message to new members.

Welcome Messages allow you to customise the welcome message that members receive when they join your server. These messages show up as embeds in the channel you specify, and can include personalised welcome cards that give your server a bit more flair.


Variables are a type of placeholder that you can use in various module configurations that are later swapped out for their actual values. For example, if you wanted to display the number of members in your server, you could use the {memberCount} variable.

Currently, this module supports the following variables:

  • {memberCount} - The number of members in the server.
  • {username} - The username of the member.

If you have any ideas for new variables, please let us know in our Discord server!

How to Set Up Welcome Messages

Step 1: Create the channel

Create a new text channel in your server for the bot to send messages to. Make sure you give the bot the right permissions to view and send messages to this channel.

Step 2: Configure the Module

Go to the dashboard and add the module via Manage Mode. Then, go back to Edit Mode and click on the module card to open the config modal.

Step 3: Save Your Changes

Once configured, exit the modal and press the Save changes button.